Our Partners in Restoring the Mansion and in Celebrating its History
We would like to thank our Lifetime Friends, Historians, and Partners in Preservation for their continued support.
Cameron Ackerman
Travis Adams
John Alsterda
Anthony Antonelli
Amanda Bamm
Briston Bamm
Austin Barneveld-Crawford
Jonathan Beckett
Mitchell Blood
Erica Born
Natalie Borrow
Nathan Bosma
Kristine Bowen
David Bradford
Justine Brish
Amanda Broadus
TJ Broadus
Rob Brodowski
Liliana Brougham
Kathleen Bruessow
Scott Bruessow
Emily Buck
Drew Bulson
Justin Campbell
Dan Cannon-Wilson
Steven Cederquist
Lula Chen
Nathan Clark
Kayla Clement
Lauren Corbeill
Erin Coughlin
Caleb Cymbalak
Matthew Dangremond
Meredith Darke
Jordon Darke
Drew Davis
Joede Tassanyi
Grant Deam
Sarah DeVries
Brett DeVries
Nathan Deweerdt
Briana Dewitt
Ella DeWyn
Katie Diekema
Sarah Dieleman
Evan Dieleman
Sarah Doane
Caleb Doane
Daniel Dochstader
Josiah Dominiak
Mark Doyle
Tim Dunn
Erik Easterly
Aaron Einhorn
Samantha Ellis
Emily Elsesser
Matt Evans
Ashley Fabrizio
Andrew Fathman
Payton Fathman
Maggie Foss
Katharina Freiberger
Meghan Galvin
Ashley Geiger
Randi Genung-Wittman
Anthony Germain
Mary Catherine Godvin
Alyssa Golden
Jillian Gottschling
Chris Grady
Riley Grams
Krista Graverson
Mark Gustafson
Karl Hanson
James Hassinger
Michelle Heeren
Chris HendersonRuth and Terry Hofmeyer
Taylor Holman
Hanna Holshouser
Hayli Hopkins
Mitchell Hoyer
Nikki Huitsing
Gerrit Immink
Jenna Jalving
Caitlin Janusz
Meghan Jordon
Abigail Kammeraad
Ross Kammeraad
David Kendall
Matt Kessler
Ian Kieft
Abigail Klein
Mitchell Klein
Cadan Kleinheksel
LeAnn Knott
Rachel Koehne
Jameson Koeman
Kevin Kohlhoff
Lisa Konynenbelt
Josh Konynenbelt
Jessica Kramer
Carolyn Kraus
Nicole Kubinec
Andrew Laws
Kellie Lenneman
Abbie Lennox
Katie Levin
Andrew Liceaga
Kaitlyn Lopez
Daniel Lopez
Stephanie Ly
Eric Lynam
Evan Mahoney
Sophie Mair
Kristina Marsh
Nate Mason
Brian May
Walker McBride
Mika McGinnis
Amy Michelau
Tyler Mikulenas
Kelsey Miner
Molly Mosoiu
Trae Mosoiu
Katie Nagelkirk
Ryan Neri
Walter Nunez
Katie Oberts
Brie Oetman
Nate Ohrt
Marta Ortiz
Elaine Paiz
Elyse Parzyck
Cameron Peek
Betsy Philips
Diana Pickard
Cassandra Poto
McKenzie Powers
Katie Prince
Christian Prince
Dawn Prins
Ornella Reed
David Reed
Alex Rens
Jackie Rewa
Matthew Rimanelli
Allison Ristau
Chloe Robertson
Cam Robertson
Cordarius Rodgers
Bryant Ruch
Ray Russell
Jeff Sanford
Steven Schaft
Todd Schorle
Eleni Sinigos
Nick Skwarek
Sarah Sligh
Andrea Smith
Annika Staal
Jane Stabnau
David Stirling
Cameron Suzenaar
Ann Marie Sweeney
Rachel Tamminga
Reid Tanner
Eric Thompson
Jordan Toor
Samantha Troutman
Phil Tuzzalino
Ali VanDixhorn
Randy Vanklompenberg
Kayla Walker
Lance Walker
Kelly Wall
Anne Marie Watkins
Josh Watkins
Allison Wehrly
Catina Werner
Erica Wieder
Brittany Wilson
Tyler Wilson
Roger Winberry
Eric Winkler
Todd Wittman
Ed Xiao
Kris Yonai
Chris Zadorozny
Emma Zeilenga
Zachary Zimmerman

Local Partners & Organizations
The Felt Estate is pleased to provide links to the following local organizations:
Pure Michigan
Laketown Township
The Saugatuck/Douglas Visitors Bureau
Saugatuck/Douglas Area Business Association
Saugatuck Dunes State Park
Saugatuck/Douglas Historical Society
Shoreline Realtors: Pam & Pat Murphy
Holland Convention & Visitors Bureau
Holland Chamber of Commerce
Slow Food USA
Better Way Designs

The Felt Estate would like to thank the following people/organizations for their contributions to our website:
Brooke W. Boering
Historian Historical Information & Photos
Pat Hoezee Meyer
Felt Estate Restoration Project Manager
Website Design
We would like to take this opportunity to thank The Michigan Arts and Culture Council for the recent grant award of $800.
It is because of the continued support of MACC that we are able to provide our community access to the Felt Estate, an integral part of the West Michigan landscape. Aesthetically and economically, the Felt provides an educational and scenic location for residents and visitors to experience history, nature, and the arts. MACC support will allow us to conduct a feasibility study to update facility’s barrier-free accessibility with a stair and elevator addition in the Felt Mansion, making the mansion even more accessible to visitors and provide more opportunities for programming.